about us

4225 Cooly...  

4225 is the post code of Coolangatta located in the most southerly part of Gold Coast, Queensland.

Coolangatta or its nickname “Cooly” is a charming town full of beach life where friendly layback locals love the surf and the relaxed ambience. Many enthusiastic surfers immediately recall its famous Superbank, the surfbreak as one of the top three high quality surf points in the east coast of Australia and one of the longest wave rides in the world. Cooly is the place where many surfers dream to visit. 

4225 is founded by two local fun loving surfers in Coolangatta.
We are very fortunate to live and surf here every day and feel more responsible to take care of this beautiful beaches and waters as they are for long long time. When we surf, we see and hear the sad trend of plastic bags, fishing gears and other non-biodegradable products floating in the ocean, killing or harming marine life. We cannot ignore the invisible factors contribute the water pollution worse. Now it is time for us to give something back especially to all longboarder friends.

Products which don’t leave the footprints
The oceans are the perfect playground for everyone, but we are facing great challenges for its sustainability. Saving our precious sea become serious subjects.

Imagine the water become toxic and all marine life suffer from the pollution, we may no longer be able to swim or enter. So, what can we do to protect them?
Once we started to make some actions, we found it was easier said than done. We realised so many careless routines we unintentionally do when we surf: Some chemicals in sunscreens and waxes cause serious harm to marine life and corals.
So our first step was to choose and use eco-friendly products.

Then our passion to support the nature grew further and finally created our best own products made from our carefully selected ingredients. This is how 4225 launched our environmentally sustainable handmade product brand. With a concept of Protect the Oceans and Protect your skin, our line ups are for before entering the ocean, in the sea and after coming out of the water.

We care not only for the seas but also your bodies. All our products are made from high grade quality natural ingredients and eco-friendly packaging, focusing on the items which don’t leave the footprints in our environment. We are so delighted that we send our products to those who support this movement with passion.

Cheers to you all and our beautiful nature.
Ocean of Love from the team of 4225


4225 Cooly... 











Ocean of LOVE from the 4225 team♡