



           pic @surfgc               pic @jayd_watson                

A bit about me. I’ve only been surfing for 2 years as of last month. Like many folks during COVID, I took up surfing and fell in love with it as a hobby and as a way of life.
I went from surfing, once a week, to twice a week, to 5 days a week, to every day if I can, and if I’m lucky 4-6hrs a day on the weekends if the surf is good!
Surfing has become such an integral part of my life that I’ve changed professions for it. Going from an Executive Assistant in Sydney, to working at Surfline in a customer support role.
In the short time I’ve been here on the Northern NSW/Gold Coast, the people I’ve been lucky to meet, and now call my friends, have had a massive impact on my surfing progression. I’m so grateful for surfing, for giving me a supportive friendship group with likeminded people, for allowing me to find a job with a company that understands my hobby and the love I have for surfing; where each day, I’m happy and fulfilled with the life I now have. Most important, I’m thankful for surfing for bringing me a new sense of peace, gratitude, and perspective on life.





Born and raised in Tokyo.
She currently lives in Shonan, an old surf town in Japan, where daily surfing is a part of her lifestyle.
Through surfing, She has been reminded of the beauty and greatness of nature and is fascinated by the people she meets through surfing.




Born in Kobe, Japan.
Moved to Shonan with her coffee brand "Little WAVE coffee" to fulfil her goal of running a coffee shop in front of her favourite ocean while surfing.
In the future, She would like to live in Byron Bay, where surf culture and coffee culture are deeply rooted, and run a coffee shop.
She will live doing only what she loves.
“Surfing all my life, coffee all my life”.